Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) was a leading Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, and an essential figure in the propagation of the Indian philosophy of Vedanta and Yoga among Westerners. Narendranath Datta by birth, he was the principal disciple of the 19th-century Indian saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Swami Vivekananda is best recognized for his speech at the Parliament of World Religions held in Chicago in 1893 during which he very famously began it with Sisters and Brothers of America”; as a result, he became globally famous and received standing applause.
Swami Vivekananda

Early Life and Family:

Father: Vishwanath Datta was an attorney in the Calcutta High Court. He had a progressive mindset from which he drew his political convictions, which significantly affected Narendranath’s life.
Mother: Bhuvaneshwari Devi was a religious lady who profoundly affected his spiritual growth. Faith, love/mildness, and strict adherence to ethics were some of the pillars upon which she built her teachings.


Narendranath was an extremely gifted child. In a range of domains including music, gymnastics, and academics, he demonstrated extraordinary capabilities.
His primary schooling was at Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s Metropolitan Institution while Presidency College in Kolkata saw him shine academically.

Influence of Spirituality:
  • From an early age, Narendranath showed great interest in spirituality and religion. He frequently questioned religious doctrines due to his curious disposition which often made him want to find out more about God and life itself.
  • He had an insatiable love for saints and sages’ lives as well as their teachings which he read voraciously in different books of faiths.

Spiritual Searching:

Encounter with Ramakrishna:
  • In 1881, Narendranath was led to meet Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, a mystic and saint of Dakshineswar in his search for spiritual wisdom. This encounter changed his life forever.
  • Even though Narendranath was initially doubtful about Ramakrishna’s beliefs, he was fascinated by his profound spiritual experiences and simple yet profound teachings concerning the oneness of being and the truth of the divine.
  • A remarkable metamorphosis took place in Narendranath under the guidance of Ramakrishna. He became a devoted follower, and he stayed with Ramakrishna for days on end to learn about and practice spiritual disciplines. 
  • Ramakrishna perceived Narendranath’s potentiality and foretold that he would grow up to be an important spiritual personage who would travel around the globe disseminating Vedanta.
The significant events surrounding Narendranath during his youth involved materialism and social injustices. He was asking religious authorities whether they had met god. Ultimately, however, he may have been answered by the deity through Ramakrishnan who confirmed deities existence to him.

Key events:

Quest for Truth:
  • As a young man, Narendranath was deeply troubled by the materialism and social injustices he observed in society. This drove him to seek answers to profound spiritual questions, often asking religious leaders if they had seen God. 
  • His persistent questioning and dissatisfaction with conventional religious teachings were ultimately satisfied when Ramakrishna assured him of God’s existence and guided him toward spiritual realization.
Building Character:

Narendranath was famous for his tenacity, leader-like characteristics, and a profound sense of understanding others. He was a natural leader among his contemporaries and participated in different types of cultural as well as social functions during school as well as college days.

Main Works:

From Colombo to Almora lectures
  • A gathering of his speeches was made during his journey through India after coming back from the West.
Raja Yoga
  • This book talks about the philosophy and practice of Raja Yoga according to Patanjali’s yoga sutras.
Jnana Yoga
  • It is a work that emphasizes knowledge (Jnana) and self-examination.
Karma Yoga
  • This text by Swami Vivekananda elucidates the concept of karma (action) in the spiritual emancipation process.
Bhakti Yoga
  • This text analyses devotion (Bhakti) as one of its paths.

Heritage :

The origins of Swami Vivekananda’s life were characterized by a mixture of a bright mind, spiritual inquisitiveness as well a search for truth. These attributes were the basis for later distinctions in his function as a spiritual figure and thinker. The design of a harmonious combination of religion and practical activities, due to diverse influences in his early days, dominated his perception during the ages of infancy and adolescence. Later he propagated it throughout India and the globe.

Frequently Ask Questions

What do you know about Swami Vivekananda?

Narendranath Datta, popularly known as Swami Vivekananda, was a prominent Indian Hindu monk who earned a considerable reputation for his philosophical ideas besides being a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Therefore, he played quite a significant role in taking Vedanta and Yoga which are both Indian philosophies to the Western countries thereby becoming an important figure in the history of revitalization of Hinduism in India.

What does Swami Vivekananda really symbolize?

In the year 1893, this noble spirit was recognized when he gave a moving sermon during the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago where he said these introductory words, Sisters and Brothers of America. Additionally, his efforts to promote harmony among various faiths and the betterment of human beings through spirituality as well as social responsibilities are other traits that distinguish him.

What were the main teachings of Swami Vivekananda?

The main lessons of Swami Vivekananda involved the merging among all creeds, innate godly abilities in every person, and unselfish service. Moreover, he devoted considerable time to educating people on how to build one’s character, ethical precepts, as well as their importance in life.

In what ways did Swami Vivekananda influence Indian Society?

During the period of colonization, he was a pride of India and gave them confidence. He created Jesus’ Mission which aimed at promoting spiritual values and social service. It is one of those ideas whose impact on the Indian thought process is everlasting like his thoughts on educational policies, social reforms, religion, etc are still providing light to people’s spirit till now

What was the Swami Vivekananda-Ramakrishna connection?

Swami Vivekananda was a disciple of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa an Indian saint. Vivekananda learned deep spirituality and authentic specific teachings concerning Advaita Vedanta philosophy from him. The relationship between Ramakrishna and Vivekananda greatly influenced the religion and activities of Vivekananda.
