Why 24 Spokes In Indian Flag

 Why 24 Spokes In Indian Flag

The Ashoka Chakra is represented by 24 spokes in the Indian flag and is in the middle of the flag. It references so much history and philosophy because it represents Dharma Chakra. That’s why there are 24 of them:
In the Indian flag, the Ashoka Chakra has 24 spokes representing different Dharma concepts. Though no agreed-upon names for the individual spokes exist universally, a popular belief would hold that they stand for moral precepts that direct the actions of mankind. Here are some of the 24 spokes values that are often referred to in common language:

 Why 24 Spokes In Indian Flag


24 spokes names

Love, Courage, Patience, Peacefulness, Magnanimity, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness
Selflessness, Self-control, Self-sacrifice, Truthfulness, Righteousness, Justice, Mercy, Gracefulness
Humility, Empathy, Sympathy, Spiritual Knowledge, Moral Values, Ethical Behavior, Non-violence (Ahimsa), Civic Responsibility

Undoubtedly, the Dharma Chakra is designed as a moral and ethical framework. People are supposed to aspire to these standards every day.

Historical Significance: 

  • It is said that Emperor Ashoka, a great historical head of India is the one who was honored by having Ashoka chakra named after him. A third leader founded under the Maurya dynasty whose regime began around 268 and ended in 232 BCE was Ashoka. 
  • Ashoka underwent a reorientation of his life after surviving a brutal conflict in Kalinga where he became inclined towards Buddhist teachings preaching the dogma contained within Dhamma (meaning righteousness) as well as Ahimsa (devoid of injury).

Who designed Ashoka Chakra?

The Ashoka Chakra on the Indian national flag is a creation of Pingali Venkayya – a notable Indian freedom fighter who was a great admirer of Mahatma Gandhi and his principles of non-violence (Ahimsa) and truth (Satya). Venkayya included it in the design he made for the country’s flag, representing timelessness and righteousness according to Emperor Ashoka’s policies; hence an eternal wheel of law (Dharma) or Ashokarama.
The national flag contains the Ashoka Chakra so that it can express the permanent principles of fairness, truth, and ethical leadership.

Symbolism Significance:

  • The 24 spokes may symbolize:  the 24 hours in a day, suggesting that time never ends and signifying the requirement for continuous improvement and advancement. 
  • Inner Meanings: It is commonly accepted that each spoke represents ethical concepts like love, bravery, composure, generosity, kind-heartedness, integrity, perseverance, mildness, altruism, temperance, honesty, or uprightness. These abstract concepts resonate with the principles of Dharma.
  • Interconnected: Life is interconnected and continuous such that the existence of each moment is as important as any other experience forever in existence so does a moving wheel represent progress in life and time.

National Importance:

  • National unity and integrity: The Chakra symbolizes the unity and integrity of the nation and reflects India's desire to make progress and pursue prosperity. This occurs while the country is careful not to forsake its moral and ethical values. 
  • National flag principle: having Ashoka Chakra included in the National flag, is meant to be a constant reminder for the citizens of these unchanging principles as they strive to live justly, peacefully, and progressively every day. "

Frequently Ask Questions

What does having 24 spikes around the Ashoka Chakra mean?

In the Ashoka Chakra having 24 spikes stands for the 24 guiding values of life including love, bravery, endurance, peace, and truthfulness which help people to live morally and in a balanced way

For what reason was the Ashoka Chakra settled on as part of the Indian Flag?

The Indian Flag contains the Ashoka Chakra to represent the eternal wheel of law (Dharma). Thus, it reflects both the existing historical tradition and what Emperor Ashoka stood for which includes justice, truth, and good governance.

Why do historians consider Ashoka Chakra important?

Historically, Ashoka Chakra has much importance for it was employed by King Ashoka an eminent ruler in Indian history who promoted Buddhism and Dharma as a way of life for his people. It denotes the dissemination of Buddhism and Ashoka’s strong belief in good governance.

In what way do the values of the Indian Constitution reflect the Ashoka Chakra?

The principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity are held by the Ashoka Chakra. The twenty-four spokes represent democratic ideals that steer the nation.

Who designed the Indian national flag and for what reason was the Ashoka Chakra included there?

The Ashoka Chakra has been incorporated by Pingali Venkayya in the Indian flag as a way of representing the richness of culture and history that characterizes that country also it denotes progressiveness and an ethical way of governing.

Could you elaborate on the implications of every spoke in the Ashoka Chakra? 

Wisdom, courage, compassion, patience, justice, and other such values are some of the things each individual spoke of the Ashoka Chakra points at, everyone spoke portraying different virtues or principles that should be followed to lead a life full of righteousness and balance according to Ashoka chakra traditions.

How is the Ashoka Chakra connected to Buddhism?

The Ashoka Chakra is closely associated with Buddhism owing to its first use by Emperor Ashoka who later converted to Buddhism after the Kalinga War. It stands for Dharmachakra or the Wheel of Dharma – illustrating one such basic principle in Buddhist doctrine.

How does the Ashoka Chakra inspire the citizens on the Indian flag?

The Ashoka Chakra tells people about the rich cultural heritage of the country; it also brings out the moral values expected from them. It also makes them uphold righteousness (Dharma) and create peaceful coexistence among them.
