PM Modi's temple visits laid the foundation for Pran Pratishtha.

PM Modi's temple visits laid the foundation for Pran Pratishtha.

 PM Modi's temple visits laid the foundation for Pran Pratishtha. PM Modi sleeping on the floor in the run-up to the Ram temple ceremony. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is drowsing on the ground with the simplest blanket and has been consuming the simplest coconut water.

This is a part of the special religious practice for 11 days in the run-up to the 'Pran Pratishtha' at the Ram temple. PM Modi has also been doing "gau-pooja" as a part of 11-day special ritual. He is likewise feeding cows and has been engaged in numerous paperwork of 'daan'

PM Modi's temple visits laid the foundation for Pran Pratishtha.

PM Modi laid the foundation for the Pran Pratishtha through his temple visits.

During his Nashik visit in Maharashtra on January 12, he offered prayers at Ramkund, performing 'Jal Pujan' and 'aarti.' The Nashik Purohit Sangh president, Satish Shukla, honored him with a traditional 'pagdi' (turban). Following rituals at Ramkund, PM Modi sought blessings at the Shree Kalaram Temple, dedicated to Lord Ram, in the Panchvati area. He also visited the historic Veerbhadra Temple.

Later, on January 17, he performed puja and darshan at Guruvayur Sri Krishna Swamy Temple in Kerala.Thrissur, emphasizing the cultural and spiritual significance of these visits.

On Tuesday, the Prime Minister visited the historic Veerabhadra temple in Andhra Pradesh, known for its significance in the Ramayana with the Jatayu episode.

As per ancient scriptures - The valiant bird king Jatayu, engaged in a brave battle with Ravana to rescue Goddess Sita, descended at Lepakshi after having his wings clipped by the demon king. Discovering Jatayu in a vulnerable state, Lord Rama uttered "Le-Pakshi," translating to "Oh Bird...Arise" in Telugu. The dying Jatayu conveyed to Lord Ram that Sita was indeed taken south by Ravana, after which he attained Moksha (salvation). This brought about the naming of the area as "Lepakshi.

The UNESCO tentative list of world heritage sites in India for 2022 includes the ancient Lepakshi temple and its colossal Nandi statue. In the days preceding the inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid homage to the Sri Ranganathaswamy and Lord Ramanathaswamy temples in Tamil Nadu. Mr. Modi donned traditional Tamil attire during his visits to these historic shrines.

During the visit - PM Modi participated in special prayers at the temple situated in Sri Satyasai district. He recited songs praising Lord Ram, listened to Telugu hymns dedicated to the deity, and enjoyed a puppet show depicting the epic Ramayana, featuring characters like Ram, Lakshman, Sita, and Ravana. Live visuals of the event were streamed on an official YouTube channel.

On Wednesday, PM Modi visited the Thriprayar Shree Ramaswamy Temple in Kerala's Thrissur, offering prayers. This visit gains significance as it aligns with the approaching date for the highly anticipated consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya.

In the days leading to the inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi - Performed worship at the Sri Ranganathaswamy and Lord Ramanathaswamy temples in Tamil Nadu. His visit began with prayers at the Sri Ranganathaswamy temple in Sri Rangam, Tiruchirapalli, where he wore traditional Tamil attire. Adorned in a spotless veshti and angavastram, he received a ceremonial welcome and sought blessings at various enclosures dedicated to deities.

Mr. Modi then visited the Lord Ramanathaswamy temple in Rameswaram, wearing a rudraksha mala and participating in bhajans. During his visit, he listened to Kamba Ramayan verses, reinforcing the deep connection between Tamil, Tamil Nadu, and Lord Ram. Local officials presented traditional clothes to him, symbolizing the temple's acknowledgment of his devoutness. The clothes are expected to be taken to the Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. Simultaneously, Ayodhya geared up for the grand event on January 22, with heightened security and elaborate rituals, including the purification of Lord Ram's idol. The city resonates with religious fervor, with verses from the Ramayan adorning prominent places and businesses incorporating images of the grand temple on various items, from visiting cards to saffron flags.

In the final stage of his spiritual journey leading to the 'Pran Pratishtha' of Shri Ram Lalla in Ayodhya, PM Modi visited the origin point of Ram Setu in Tamil Nadu, known as Arichal Munai. He was seen offering a floral tribute at this sacred site, part of his 11-day pilgrimage to various shrines associated with Lord Ram across the country in preparation for the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony.
