What is indian classical dance

What Is Indian Classical Dance 

Indian classical dance is an esteemed art form that integrates complicated movements along with expressions and rhythms. This could be attributed to deep-rooted traditional Indian culture, which explains how these dances tell stories of gods and goddesses across ages so that they become sacred symbols or simply representations of the divinity itself. Such styles stand out because one needs to be very deliberate when performing them; the use of hands (mudras), and face addresses emotions as well as performing different beats through legs.
Indian classical dance

Key Types of Indian Classical Dance 

  • Bharatanatyam: Stemming from Tamil Nadu, this dance form is recognized for its stiff upper body, folded knees, and elaborate steps. The art might have hand movements that are full of emotions accompanied by facial expressions. 
  • Kathak: This dance form is found in Northern India particularly in the state of Uttar Pradesh with complicated footwork, turning movements as well as vivid narration. It has been influenced by both Hinduism and Mughal culture.
  • Kathakali: This is a costume play that originated in Kerala and is noted for its elaborate costumes, make-ups, and face masks. It combines dance, music, and drama to narrate stories from the Mahabharata and Ramayana epics.
  • Odissi: Originating from Odisha, it stands apart because of its lyrical grace, flowing movements, and statue-like poses which depict temple sculptures of Odisha.
  • Kuchipudi-Those from Andhra Pradesh says that it has swift footwork and expressiveness in the eyes and great narratives too. It combines narration nicely with pure dance. 
  • Manipuri- A dance style hailing from Manipur is noted for being gentle and graceful. Themes associated with Radha and Krishna are depicted through this style, which includes both delicate hand gestures as well as body movements.
  • Mohiniyattam – a graceful and feminine classical dance of Kerala that is popular for its swinging movements. Love and devotion themes are frequently depicted in this. 
  • Sattriya is an Indian classical dance form that hails from Assam and is considered new compared to other forms due to its distinct style combining both dance and acting elements, typically performed in monasteries.


For countless artists, Indian traditional dance is more than simply an art; it’s actually a spiritual exercise. This traditional way of life represents a means of worship as well as meditation, linking the character to God. 
There a different styles, dresses, and music that are used for each of these styles; 
however, they all share one thing in common: they are grounded on Natya Shastra which is an old book about show business.

The History Of Indian Classical Dance 

Sanskrit classical dances are steeped in antiquity as well as opulence that can be traced to centuries past. The change in these styles of motion is deeply rooted in the societal, spiritual, and artistic realities of the Indian continent.

Cultural Effects

An integral part of Indian Cultural heritage, These dance forms are meant to preserve and promote the rich traditions and history of India. They are performed at different festivals, religious ceremonies, and cultural events in India as well as across the world, showcasing the depth and diversity of Indian art and culture.


Indian classic dance history is proof of its enduring cultural and spiritual importance. These dance forms have been morphed to fit even modern global platforms since the ancient temple rituals and they still persist till today as they hold on to the rich background of the Indian arts and expressions.

Frequently Ask Questions

Defining Indian Classical Dance?

Different parts of the country give rise to this intricate cultural manifestation with deeply communicative gestures, elaborate movements, and a strong spiritual component.

What is the count of classical dance forms that are acknowledged in India? 

According to Sangeet Natak Akademi, there are eight classical dance forms recognized, such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Mohiniyattam, Kathakali, and Sattriya.

What’s the meaning of Indian native dance? 

Indian Classical Dance belongs to a class of Art that expresses movement as well as story-telling, and devotion and keeps traditions alive. There are times when it portrays tales from Hindu legends as well as great texts such as the Ramayana or Mahabharata.

What are the key elements of Indian Classical Dance?

There are three essential facets: Nritta – which corresponds to pure dance; Nritya – expressive form; and Natya – the dramatic part of dance. In addition, these dances utilize Mudras (gestural language), Abhinaya (facial expression), and Rasa (feelings).

How is the Indian Classical Dance taught and preserved?

Traditionally, these dance forms have been taught under the Guru-Shishya tradition where the knowledge is transferred through spoken words and performance. Hence, many institutions and academies have played key roles worldwide in conserving and popularizing such art forms

What is the source of Indian Classical Dance? 

The roots of Indian Classical Dance go back in time to ancient times, frequently linked to the Natya Shastra, a work on performing arts written by Bharata Muni in Sanskrit around 200 BCE to 200 CE. It explains the methods, views, and doctrines related to dancing and acting in India.

In what way do different kinds of Indian classical dances have an impact? 

Every classical dance form follows its own distinct style, attire, music, and collection of dances. For example, Bharatanatyam is distinguished by a still upper body and bent knees in Tamil Nadu while Kathak displays complex foot patterns plus whirls around in North India. Odisha-based Odissi emphasizes smooth and elegant motions, unlike Kuchipudi which incorporates acting along with the dance from Andhra Pradesh.
